oenophile (n)

oe·​no·​phile | \ ˈē-nə-ˌfī(-ə)l

: a lover or connoisseur of wine

The Oenophile Institute


We Drink and We Learn Things


The Oenophile Institute | We Drink and We Learn Things |

About the Institute

The Oenophile Institute was started in September 2022 by self-proclaimed cork dork turned industry professional, Chelsea Young. After struggling to find a convenient or accessible space to learn about wine during her own journey, Chelsea vowed to make the space she yearned for. She founded the Institute by partnering with Anthony Alvarez, owner of The Vineyard Wine Market in Smyrna, GA. Their goal is to bring wine and beverage education to any who seek it.

Wherever you may be in this journey, we have something for you.

  • I've never worked so hard to learn something just for fun but had so much fun doing it.

    WSET & WSG Student

Item 1 of 6

1295 West Spring Street NE Smyrna, GA 30080

Suite 201 is located directly above The Vineyard Wine Market in Smyrna Market Village

We are 2 miles from The Battery or 25 minutes from Hartsfield Jackson airport via I- 285

where we are located

Open for Classes & Events

404.558.1436 (texts welcomed)

“I drink and I know things.”

— Tyrion Lannister, Game of Thrones